We combine next-generation sequencing technology with ecological and physiological data to test the role of local adaptation in evolution in vertebrates.


The long-term goal of my research program is to understand the mechanisms by which biodiversity is generated: How do species multiply? How and why do local populations of a species differ from each other? Results have important applications to conservation. Currently, my research team is applying next-generation sequencing methods to test the role of local adaptation in evolution. Most projects involve seabirds, but others involve passerines, birds of prey, and fish.


My primary goal as a professor is to instill students with an understanding of and excitement for the beauty and complexity of the biological world, at all levels of organization from DNA to ecosystems. I also aim to help students develop an understanding of the scientific method, excellent communication skills, and the habit of critical thought.


  • Conservation biology
  • Conservation genetics
  • Evolutionary genetics
  • Origins of biodiversity