Biology MSc Thesis Submission Checklist

  1. Format your thesis according to the Graduate School's Thesis Formatting & Preparation Guidelines. See also Biology Thesis Submission Guidelines.
  2. When your thesis is ready to submit, email the completed MSc Oral Thesis Examination Form to 15 business days (this does not include the day of your defence) before the defense date so that she can find a suitable Chair and a Head’s Delegate for your defense. Date and time of defense MUST be finalized with the other members of your thesis defense committee before you submit this form to the Graduate Program Advisor. They will send the completed form to the Graduate School for you.
  3. Your Supervisor is responsible for arranging the Zoom or TEAMs link and sending out the invitations to everyone on the committee.
  4. 10 business days (this does not include the day of your defence) before your defense, email pdfs of your thesis to all of the members of your thesis defense committee, include the Graduate Program Advisor so they can email the Head’s Delegate and the Chair.
  5. Email a pdf of your thesis to 10 business days prior to your defense. This pdf document will be screened by the Graduate School for formatting issues and you will be notified of any required corrections. If you have prepared this pdf with line numbers, or single-spaced, etc (see Biology Thesis Submission Guidelines), please inform the thesis office in your email and note that you will conform to the Graduate School's thesis format requirements when you submit your final copy.

Last updated: February 2024