Throughout Canada and around the world, land and water is contaminated by anthropogenic activities related to mining, manufacturing, agriculture, urbanization and other human activities. We explore opportunities to clean up this contamination using biological systems including plants, fungi and bacteria.

Important Information


BIOL 322/3.0 or BIOL 339/3.0 or BIOL 341/3.0.


BIOL 330/3.0 and a minimum GPA of 2.0 in the Biological Foundations List.

Biological Foundations List

  • BIOL 102/3.0
  • BIOL 103/3.0
  • BIOL 200/3.0
  • BIOL 205/3.0
  • BIOL 206/3.0
  • BIOL 212/3.0
  • BIOL 300/3.0
  • BIOL 330/3.0
  • BIOL 334/3.0
  • BIOL 339/3.0
  • BIOL 341/3.0