The use of genetic analysis to understand developmental processes such as cell fate determination, pattern formation and morphogenesis. Emphasis will be on the molecular pathways used during embryonic development, highlighting applications and techniques using model organisms.

Important Information


(BCHM 218/3.0 or BIOL 330/3.0) and a minimum GPA of 2.0 in the Biological Foundations List.

Biological Foundations List

  • BIOL 102/3.0
  • BIOL 103/3.0
  • BIOL 200/3.0
  • BIOL 205/3.0
  • BIOL 206/3.0
  • BIOL 212/3.0
  • BIOL 300/3.0
  • BIOL 330/3.0
  • BIOL 334/3.0
  • BIOL 339/3.0
  • BIOL 341/3.0