Biology 538 (3.0 unit), 539 (3.0 unit) and 540 (6.0 units [a full-year two-term research mentorship]) offer individual students the opportunity to undertake a laboratory research practicum under the supervision of a Biology faculty member. In addition to volunteer work in the host lab, students will attend BIOL537 seminars (Fall and/or Winter) and conduct research to present both as a major paper and seminar. The research practicum would normally include 400 60h of laboratory or fieldwork in the host lab per 3.0 units of credit (x2 for 6.0). The total number of learning hours should be commensurate with the course weight (i.e., 110 – 130 LH/3.0 units). Though the lab practicum may be conducted in the Spring, Summer, Fall, or Winter terms, students must formally obtain approval for the course prior to commencing the lab work. Registration is subject to the availability of a supervisor and approval by the Undergraduate Chair in Biology. More information and the application can be found here.

Pre-requisites and exclusions: Students will normally be enrolled in the fourth year of their Program, having completed the third-year core requirements of their Plan, with priority given to students in an Honours Biology Plan. Students enrolled in BIOL537 are excluded from this course.

Training: All students in this course will obtain the appropriate training and certification required for the laboratory field work, including (as appropriate) WHMIS, Off-Campus Field Safety, and Animal Care.