Student Summer Research Awards

NOTE: The Biology Department will be accepting one combined application for both the USRA and USSRF awards. Eligible students will be considered for either program.

Undergraduate Summer Research Awards (USRA) Canada’s Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) underwrites these prestigious awards to nurture interest and further develop potential for research and discovery. USRAs provide salary support to gain research work experience. The award is supplemented by the supervisor to match or exceed other positions, such as SWEP. The duration of the award is for 16 weeks during the summer. Students will be paid a minimum of $17.50 per hour x 35 hours x 16 weeks, for a total of $9800.00 + vacation pay + fringe benefits. There is no restriction on who can supervise a USRA student, provided the faculty member is affiliated with the Biology Department, and the university deems them eligible to supervise students and they can support their portion of the student award. Application and awarding of USRAs is through Queen’s Biology, with an application deadline of January 17, 2025 for summer awards. Information on eligibility is available through this link. The 2025 application and instructions are available as a fillable PDF form titled USRA and USSRF Internal Application Form 2025.

Undergraduate Student Summer Research Fellowships (USSRF) Queen’s University sponsors these awards to provide an experiential learning opportunity for undergraduate students at Queen’s. The program is intended to provide students with meaningful opportunities to engage in discovery-based learning and to develop research skills. The award provided by Queen’s is supplemented by additional funds from the supervisor to match or exceed other positions, such as SWEP. The duration of the award is for 16 weeks during the summer. Students will be paid a minimum of $17.50 per hour x 35 hours x 16 weeks, for a total of $9800.00 + vacation pay + fringe benefits. There is no restriction on who can supervise a USRA student, provided the faculty member is affiliated with the Biology Department, and the university deems them eligible to supervise students and they can support their portion of the student award. Application and awarding of USSRF’s is through Queen’s Biology, with an application deadline of January 17, 2025 for summer awards. Information on eligibility is available through this link. The 2025 application and instructions are available as a fillable PDF form titled USRA and USSRF Internal Application Form 2025.

Student Work Experience

Queen’s Biology offers many ways to gain ‘real-world’ experience, at scales ranging from molecules to ecosystems, and with a diversity of organisms and techniques. Here are some common ways to get involved.

Volunteering is a great way to see if research in different fields of Biology is for you, get hands-on experience, and build your résumé. Volunteer positions may be available even when they are not advertised, so the best way to land one of these is to start talking with professors and teaching assistants now to show them you are interested and keen.

Summer Work Experience Program Career Services operates the Summer Work Experience Program (SWEP), a unique Queen's program that helps faculty members create challenging and rewarding summer jobs. Open to all year levels, a SWEP position will get you engaged full-time in an active research program for up to 16 weeks. SWEP positions are competitive, so make sure to do your research about the positions you are applying for, and to show your interest and enthusiasm. More information about the SWEP program can be found here.

Work Study Program The Work Study Program is run jointly by Career Services and Student Awards and provides students in financial need with an opportunity for part-time work in Biology related fields. Most of these are available during the Fall and Winter terms, but some are offered during the summer term. See Career Services for more information on how and when to apply.

Other Student Awards

Summer Awards at the Queen's University Field Station A number of awards are available to support field-based undergraduate research experience at Queen's University Biological Station (QUBS). Information on eligibility, instructions, and the application can be found [here].

The Wes and Dorletta Curran Memorial Award 
For Research in Aquatic Biology
This award was established to support undergraduate students who aspire to study at QUBS. Approximately $5000 will be available and may be shared among several awardees.  Eighty percent of the award is intended to cover room and board at QUBS with the remaining 20% for stipend. Awards will be based on financial need (defined as eligibility for OSAP or other governmental student assistance programs), academic excellence, and full-time enrollment in the Biology undergraduate program at Queen’s University. Preference will be given to students doing field or laboratory research in aquatic ecology, illuminating the ecology of the freshwater habitat.

J. Allen Keast Lake Opinicon Undergraduate Research Fellowship
For Independent Research at QUBS
This award was established to support undergraduate students to carry out a one-summer study at QUBS. Preference will be given to broader-based studies, such as how systems function or interrelate. Components of the study can fit into on-going long-term studies. The award will cover the costs of board and room at QUBS plus a stipend to the student (approximate total value of $5000).

The Alexander and Cora Munn Summer Research Award
For Research in Conservation Biology or Environmental Preservation
This award was established to support undergraduate students who are working in the area of conservation biology or environmental preservation at QUBS. Approximately $2,600 will be available for room and board at QUBS and/or a student stipend. Awarded based on academic achievement to students in 3rd or 4th year Biology. Preference will be given to students with an interest in woodlot and wildlife conservation.

The Kingston Field Naturalists' Award
For Studies in Conservation Biology or Natural History
The Kingston Field Naturalists' Fund for QUBS was established in spring 2007 in memory of Dr. Robert Stewart, former Head of Microbiology at Queen's University, former KFN President and Honorary President, and former President of the Federation of Ontario Naturalists. The $1000 award is intended to benefit and encourage undergraduate students whose studies at QUBS focus on conservation biology or natural history. Recognizing the valuable and unique educational opportunity QUBS provides at a critical stage of a student's development, the KFN established the Fund in keeping with its mandate to stimulate public interest in nature and to acquire and provide knowledge of natural history. Awarded to students based on academic standing and demonstrated leadership skills. Additional information on the award can be found here.

Karen Huntley Memorial Award Established by family and friends in memory of Karen Huntley, an undergraduate student in Biology who died in May 1990. Awarded to a student in an Honours Biology or an Environmental Science SSP Biology degree program who will be doing a field course or field research in conservation, environmental biology or sustainable forestry. This award will support expenses incurred at the field site.  Selection is made by the Faculty of Arts and Science Awards Committee based upon nomination from the Department of Biology. Letter of Application is due March 27th, 2019 at 3pm. Please deliver to the Undergraduate Office, Department of Biology, Rm. 3109d, Bioscience Complex. 

Other Faculty of Arts and Science Awards
There are a number of awards available to Biology students in the Faculty of Arts and Science at Queen's. See the Student Awards site for complete information. Here is a list of Biology specific awards.

  • David T. Canvin Prize in Plant Physiology
  • William I. Chisholm Scholarship in Biology
  • Helen Arliss Denyes Scholarships
  • Arthur Louden Scholarship in Biology
  • W. T. MacClement Memorial Prize
  • Fran and Tom McClung Scholarship in Biology
  • Wallace Near Prize in Biology
  • Ann Eliza Stafford Prize in Biology
  • Mary McGregor Walker Scholarship

Faculty Teaching Awards
Queen's Biology faculty are passionate about teaching. Has there been someone who inspired you? Want to nominate your instructor for a teaching award? Follow the links below to see how to nominate your instructor.  

Alumni Award for Excellence in Teaching
Funded by Queen's Alumni to recognize instructors who "show outstanding knowledge, teaching ability, and accessibility to students"? 
See here for more information.

Frank Knox Award
Funded by Queen's Alumni in recognition of teaching excellence?
See here for more information.

W.J. Barnes Award
Funded by Queen's Alumni in recognition of significant contribution to teaching.
See here for more information.

3M Teaching Awards
Funded by The Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education and 3M Canada in recognition of teaching excellence at a national level.
See here for more information.

OCUFA Teaching Award
Funded by Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations in recognition of outstanding teachers and academic librarians in Ontario Universities 
See here for more information.

Biology Departmental Student Council Award for Excellence in Teaching
Awarded by the Biology Departmental Council in recognition of excellence in teaching.
See here for more information.

Biology Award for Excellence (Demonstrators)?
Awarded to a graduate student in recognition of outstanding Teaching Assistant contributions made both inside and outside the laboratory period.
See here for more information.