A List of 2025 modules will be available on the OUPFB website.
Here are the remaining courses with available spots:
Module 3 (York U Plants/Fungi Carolinian) has 5 spots
Module 6 (Trent U Dolphins/Whales Asia) has 5 spots
Module 8 (Carelton Bats) has 3 spots
Module 9 (Queens E Africa) has 2 spots
Module 10 (TMU Urban Water) has 2 spots
Module 13 (Brock Indigenous Algonquin Insects) has 13 spots
Module 14 (Western Urban Ecology) has 9 spot
Module 17 (Lakehead - Experimental Lakes) has 5 spots
Module 18 (Queen's - Lake Ecosystems) has 3 spots
Module 20 (Queen's - Winter Ecology) has 8 spots
- Application can be found here.
- Deposits can be made here.
- Accepting Applications starting January 6, 2025.
- First round of applications due Friday February 7, 2025 @ 4:00pm.
- Course Coordinator - Shelley Arnott - Please reach out if you have any questions.
What is a field course?
Field courses offer small class size with opportunities to travel across the globe, from the Queen's University Biological Station, just 50 km north of campus, to Algonquin Park, the Adirondacks, China, Mexico, Tanzania and many other spectacular places.
Field courses are numbered BIOL307/317/327. These courses typically last 2 weeks and are led by great instructors from universities across Ontario through the Ontario Universities Program for Field Biology (OUPFB). Each 2 week course is worth 3.0 units.
These courses provide amazing opportunities to gain hands-on experience in different field sites. Class sizes are small (usually 10-20 students) and focus on sampling diverse habitats, identifying different kinds of organisms, understanding their ecology and evolution, conducting independent research studies, and developing strong science communication skills. Students are immersed in the study site for 12-14 days (including weekends), often sharing accommodation, meals, and working environment with fellow students, instructors, and researchers.
Although specific course requirements vary, students are generally graded on participation, field note-taking, seminar presentation, and independent research project report. Students are often expected to prepare for the course by reading assigned scientific literature and preparing a presentation on a selected topic related to the course.
Who can take a field course?
Courses are open to Biology students who have completed BIOL102 and BIOL103 and are registered in a BIOL Major, BIOL Science Minor/General, BIMA Specialization, BIPS Specialization, BTEC Specialization or EBIO Specialization Plan. Students must ALSO satisfy the prerequisites for the specific field course they will be taking.
What courses are available?
Biology students can choose from approximately 20 different field courses offered by 16 universities that participate in the Ontario Universities Program in Field Biology (OUPFB). Many courses are offered at local field sites, including Queen’s University Biological Station (QUBS), as well as further afield in Costa Rica, Mexico, Africa, China. Habitats include lakes, temperate and tropical forests, deserts, marine, arctic, alpine, and urban ecosystems. Course offerings change each year and are listed on the OUPFB website.
How much do field courses cost?
Students pay a course fee associated with travel, housing, and meals during the two-week course. Fees range from $400 to $6000, depending on the course location. Each course has a different fee, that may or may not include travel to the site. Note that some courses (urban courses) require that you pay for accommodation separately. Be sure to check this on individual course descriptions available on the OUPFB website.
You must also register and pay course tuition fees at your local university.
How do I apply?
The application process opens on the first day of classes in January each year. Application can be found _. Be sure to list 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choices to ensure that you get a placement. You will know by the end of February whether you have been accepted into a course that you are waitlisted for.
A deposit of $350 must accompany your application.
All applications from Queen’s students, regardless of which university is hosting the field course, must be given to Undergraduate Administrative Coordinator. ***Do not send applications or deposit to the university hosting the field course.
When are applications due?
The first round of applications is due Friday February 7, 2025, but you can apply after that if there is space left in a course. Based on the number of courses that Queen’s faculty offer, we are able to reserve spots in other courses for Queen’s students. If you apply by February 7, 2025, you will have the best chance to get accepted into your top choices.
After this date, spaces not filled will become available to all students on a first-come, first-served basis until courses are filled. This means that you may also have an opportunity to attend a course where Queen’s didn’t have reserved spots (assuming there are places still available). The OUPFB site will periodically update the course listings, indicating which courses have spots available. Note that courses may be cancelled if there are too few applicants by the deadline.
What if I don't get into my first-choice course?
You will be placed in your second or third choice course, based on availability. For some courses, you may be placed on a waiting list if the course has filled. Positions in courses can come available, up to several weeks before the course. If you don’t get accepted into a course, you will be refunded your deposit.
I have been accepted in a course. Now what?
- We will register you for BIOL 307 (or 317 for your second course) in the term that coincides with the dates of your field course (e.g. if you sign up for a module for the summer, you will be registered for the course in the summer term). Contact the Undergraduate Administrative Coordinator if your course does not appear on SOLUS in the term that you expect it to.
- Wait for specific instructions from course instructor. They will contact you with further information for preparing for the course, including when and how to pay the remaining fee, what readings and other preparations you should do, and a list of items to bring.
- Fill out an Off Campus Activity Safety Policy (OCASP) form. Detailed instructions to help you fill out the form are posted here.
- Pay remaining fees associated with the course (see #2). This will be paid to the university hosting the field course.
What if I have been accepted in a course and can no longer attend?
You MUST contact Shelley Arnott to drop the course. You will NOT be refunded your $350.00 deposit unless another student can take your place.
When do I receive my grade?
Most courses have a research report due approximately 4 weeks after the end of the course. Therefore, you may not receive a grade for 2 months after the course ends. Instructors will submit your grade to Queen’s and it will be posted on SOLUS.
I'm an international exchange student. Can I take a field course?
Yes, provided you are enrolled in a full-time undergraduate program and have paid tuition for that term.
I'm a graduate student in biology. Can I take a field course?
No, graduate students are not eligible to enroll in OUPFB modules. However, some instructors for Queen’s-led modules permit graduate students to participate by enrolling in BIOL848. Contact Queen's instructors for more details.
Is there financial assistance available for field courses?
The Karen Huntley Memorial Award can be used to cover some field course expenses. Submit to ug.biology@queensu.ca
The Jessie V. Deslauriers QUBS Diversity Award is for Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour who wish to take a field course at the Queen's University Biological Station (QUBS). Application is due February 7, 2025.
The Queen's Biology Field Course Opportunity Award is for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color who wish to take any field course (BIOL307, BIOL407, BIOL327, including those in the Ontario Universities Program for Field Biology (OUPFB). Application is due February 7, 2025.
The same application can be used for both the Jessie V. Deslauriers QUBS Diversity Award and the Queen's Biology Field Course Opportunity Award. Submit to: ug.biology@queensu.ca by February 7, 2025.
The Queen's Outdoor Field Experience Initiative has a lending library for field gear and great tips for enjoying the outdoors.
International Mobility Fund
The International Mobility Fund provides support to current undergraduate and graduate degree-seeking students who wish to participate in Faculty of Arts and Science global learning activities. The fund assists students by offsetting some of the travel-related expenses related to participating in an Arts and Science global learning experience. The maximum amount for the travel subsidy is $2,000 CDN. Application deadline is February 1 so you should apply for these funds using the link above when you submit your application to Biology. https://www.queensu.ca/artsci/undergraduate/fas-funds-and-awards
Summer bursaries are available through Solus.